Nomination form

1) Please describe the tree you wish to nominate

Approx height  .............................

Approx age (if known) ...................

Species .......................................

2) Please explain why you feel this tree is important





3) Please draw a sketch plan to show the position of the tree.
Please provide as much detail as possible - road names, house numbers or name if the tree is in a residential area, landmarks such as a pub or school, the exact tree if it is situated in a row or group of trees.






4) If the tree appears to be privately owned, please give the name and address of the owner (if known)


5) Please give your

Name ...............................................................................................................

Address ............................................................................................................

Post Code ............................     Daytime phone number  ......................................

Please Return your form to:
C.J.Neilan, Landscape Officer, Epping Forest District Council, Civic Offices, 323 High Street, Epping, Essex CM16 4BZ

form copies available at Hills Amenity Society -
